There’s Only One Ratepayer
When developers don’t cover the cost of the infrastructure required for new development, municipal Councils have two choices for where to make up the difference: Spend less on services, thereby reducing service levels across the board, or spend the same on services by charging more through other revenue streams: Taxes and fees.
Regulators Gone Wild
For those that think municipalities’ main financial accountability should be to the people who pay for municipal services, the absorption of administrative capacity to report on provincial programs is alarming.
Here’s how the 350 provincial reports required per year break down by requisitioning Ministry and program.
Four Budget Visuals to Help You Tell Your Story
Infrastructure ownership changes and challenges.
Discrepancies between Council’s verbal and financial commitments to capital projects.
Rate-setting and levy presentation refinement.
How to demonstrate the value of municipal services so that residents get an hourly reminder from their own body.
3.3. Charting Revenue Results, 1990-2020
An historical lens on municipalities’ current budget pressures, these tables, charts and animations can help you paint a picture fit for the most digital budget on record.